Plant Biology Root System
Plant biology is the study of plants, plant life, and plant-related topics. It includes the study of cells, tissues and organs; genetics (the study of heredity); physiology (how living things work), and biochemistry (how chemical reactions take place in living organisms). Plant biologists are interested in the structure and function of plants, as well as their interactions with other organisms and their environment. Root System Roots absorb water and minerals and transport them to stems. They also anchor and support a plant, and store food. A root system consists of primary and secondary roots. Each root is made of dermal, ground, and vascular tissues. Secondary roots grow out from the main root, but they do not absorb water or nutrients because they are covered by the soil. Primary roots originate from meristems located in the vascular cambium (a layer where new xylem vessels form), or from buds that grow from the tip of a main root during growth spurts called lateral branches. Stems...